Tuesday Thoughts : 12/8/20
Yesterday I had the great privilege to watch Cultivate Your Year Live! If you are not familiar with Cultivate What Matters – think goal planner for the super “type A”. haha. Raise your hand if you’re in that camp with me 🙂
But seriously, I have really come to love the PowerSheets Planner and when I purchased my new 2021 planner back in October I also go the ticket to watch the live programming to be encouraged and challenged to make 2021 my best year yet!
I got to spend SIX hours with my sweet neighbor Laura, in her dining room, thinking and planning, stickering and getting creative. It was time WELL spent – figuring out how to make the MOST of 2021.
One of the interesting questions that was asked in the beginning yesterday was, “How are you?” and not just a passive question, where you just say “fine.” “great.” “kids are driving me bonkers but we’re surviving!” response, but a dig in and really think about HOW.ARE.YOU.
Almost every woman that was utilizing the chat box, and remember there were over 1,000 of us watching…almost every person who typed a response said either “overwhelmed” or “anxious”.
I tell you that for two reasons. 1. If you are feeling overwhelmed and/or anxious – because sometimes the two go hand-in-hand, you are not alone. Read it again. You are not alone.
You aren’t. Pick a friend and text or call her. Ask her if she’s feeling either of those and I bet you she’ll say yes. We are all in the same camp. Maybe especially with 2020, or maybe because of this season of life. But most assuredly, you are not alone.
Reason 2. Don’t let your feelings run your life. Maybe, don’t let your feelings ruin your life. “Easier said than done, sometimes”…amIright? I’ll be the first to raise her hand and tell you that I most often react based on my feelings/emotions. If you’re in that camp with me…let’s take hold of the thoughts, the feelings, the emotions of being overwhelmed and anxious and not let them get the best of us, or take the best of us away.
An exercise I’ve been working on lately is remembering to ‘take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.’ I sift the overwhelmed thoughts of “I can’t do this.” “I’m too busy/overwhelmed/stressed/anxious to think about/do that thing right now.” “I don’t even know where to start.” “I’m not capable of or smart enough to figure that out.” And I remember that HE has equipped me for that thing right now. I don’t need to be looking ahead to Friday when it’s only Tuesday. His mercies are new for me TODAY. Today. I can DO today.
Something else Lara of CWM told us, an example she gave, that I personalized and wrote in my 2021 planner is “Michelle, decide you can.” In my own mind and spirit I have to make a decision that I CAN. As a believer, I know I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

So, how are you? Be honest with yourself and tell someone else. Don’t hold all your emotions in, where no one else can see or help. No one can read your mind…as much as we wish sometimes they could or would.
Call a therapist if you are carrying heavy burdens. I’ll be the first to tell you that counseling has been one of the greatest gifts of my life. Seeing a therapist is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. I’m a firm believer that more people should sit on the couch. 🙂
All this to say, be real with yourself. Talk to Jesus and someone – a trusted someone and remember, you are NEVER alone.
Until next time sweet friend…