A Blog About Socks
I love sharing with y’all the real life conversations that are had in the Lucas home. For example…I was running thru this entire blog post in my head tonight as I folded the massive mound of clothes that covered our bed. And as I was coming up with what I thought was a great idea, and grabbed the camera, the peanut gallery walked in. The peanut gallery in this example is none other than the hubs, Andrew. He says to me “Um. Are you writing a blog about….socks?….because that’s weird.”
I am even more determined to write a blog about SOCKS now, Burn. 🙂
He has spurred me on toward good things.
So here’s where I was with all of that before the peanut gallery chimed in and made me think twice about my post.
First thing this morning I was reading my devotional from SheReadsTruth – the Lent study. And I was reminded about the Israelites and their grumblings against God. And yet, He provided for them….their every need. And I’ve thought on that all day. How I grumble about stupid stuff…all day long. And yet, He provides for my every need.
Last night at the end of my short post, I encouraged you all to encourage someone today. I had the honor of enjoying coffee with a friend this morning and happy hour with another this evening {that never happens, like ever, y’all.} and I thought about how incredibly blessed I am to have been encouraged by these sweet friends. How, though my friendship tank has been close to the empty line, today’s events took me to overflowing. He provided for that need.
And then tonight, as I walked into our bedroom and saw that massive mound of clothes that needed to be folded, I thought about that first post I wrote about finding joy in the laundry, not grumbling about it, but rather, finding joy in it. And as I sorted things out, this one pile of socks just kept growing and growing and growing. And while socks can seem like the thorn in my flesh → why are there ALWAYS socks MISSING?!, I pondered this little mound. {←notice the adjective went from massive to little…}
In the mound are: Andrew’s dress socks to wear to church and a job that he has been incredibly blessed in, especially this year. And athletic socks…for him to wear mostly on Saturdays and Sunday afternoons when we’re having family or play time.
Then there are Reynolds’ socks – our son who, though he is coming into his own “type A” self, has a huge encouraging heart and is crazy protective over his little sister.
Next are Eliza Jane’s socks, the daughter that shocked me with her speedy delivery, serious face and sneaky ways…she will be our trouble-maker or the class-clown…
Then there are my socks, the athletic ones, for which I am thankful to be able to get up so early in the mornings to walk on the treadmill and do those things that get my heart and soul ready for the day.
I pondered all the socks. Without the husband or the kids, there would only be my socks. Without the blessing of his great job, there wouldn’t be so many dress socks. Without the kids, there wouldn’t be the fun, colorful socks that somehow end up everywhere {in the car, under the sofa, in my purse…}. Without all of these amazing blessings, there wouldn’t be any socks. So why grumble about there being so many socks? They are a blessing.
That’s my post on socks…hope you enjoyed it. 🙂
Wow! I clicked on this post…not quite sure what to expect. I’ve just done the washing again today, thankfully with only two of us we don’t have to do it more than once or twice a week. But there’s such a variety in socks. What always amazes me is that men’s socks almost ALWAYS get holes in, and yet I’ve never put a hole in mine! Thanks for helping me see positivity in laundry! 😛
Hi Katie! Thanks for clicking on the link…:) I hope you were pleasantly surprised! Thank you for your comments and enjoy the laundry! 😉
Oh man, I am so glad you can appreciate doing laundry. I need to learn to appreciate it, too.