A Place for Eliza Jane’s Bows
ps…this was the last of the weekend’s projects! 🙂
ps…this was the last of the weekend’s projects! 🙂
I started this little project a few weekends ago..actually, the weekend that Andrew was in Vegas. That just tells you how long it’s taking for me to get things done around here…sigh. But this is one more thing we can check off our list! Whooohooo! Although, it has absolutely nothing to do with Eliza Jane!…
The Muppets are coming! The Muppets are coming! The Muppet Movie SING ALONG is coming to Columbia, y’all!!!! Woot! Get excited! Gonzo and all of his balloons are coming our way!! I’m SUPER pumped about this because Reynolds Lucas is going to go bizurk. When he sees those puppets and hears the music he is…
I don’t even know where to start with this one. What a week? Bless it. I guess it’s true that “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” After my post on Tuesday things went crazy down hill. Crazy down hill, like, super fast. Like the down hill and super fast of…
Our sweet Emory is now a month old! And it’s about time I shared with you his birth story. Some of you know that we went in for our check on November 9th and were told that he was “a big baby” and our doctor recommended a growth check for the following week’s appointment. On…
Last year about this time, I posted about the CD we’d gotten from daycare as part of our VBS package and how I really enjoyed some of the songs. This year, y’all, we got another CD as part of VBS and it is WAY better than last year’s – we LOVE all the songs. Reynolds says, “Momma,…
So many people have asked me this week how Disney was. “Amazing. Wonderful. So fun. HOT. It was really, really great.” The Magic Kingdom was in fact, MAGICAL. But wait, that’s for a later post 🙂 The first two days were really fantastic. We left our home at the crack of dawn that Sunday morning, with…