Author: Michelle

Easiest House Plants

Easiest House Plants

Y’all know on Mondays I water all my house plants. So I thought, why not share with you some of my favorite varieties. *No snake plants, fiddle figs or air plants here! These are some of the easiest plants you will ever grow in your home. Peace Lily – You’ve most likely seen or heard…

Building Walls

Building Walls

Hi, I’m Michelle and I’m a really good emotional wall-builder. I have recently starting reading ‘Find Your People’ by Jennie Allen and I feel as though she’s speaking about much of my life. She talks in the book about being needy and quitting people. My version of quitting is building a wall. Not only do…

5 Kitchen Faucet Styles

5 Kitchen Faucet Styles

Today I’m thrilled to share with you five of my favorite kitchen faucet styles and I will go ahead and confess to you that I am a sucker for a bridge faucet. “What’s a bridge faucet?” you ask. The prettiest kitchen faucet that was ever designed. Let’s “ooh” and “ahh” together over this one,…