Author: Michelle

Update On Lil-bug

Update On Lil-bug

It’s been a couple of weeks since I first told you all about Lily, our 12 year-old Chocolate Lab.  As a recap: On Tuesday 4/14 I took her for a routine physical at which point our Veterinarian discovered some masses in her lower abdomen that raised concern for possible mammary cancer.  That Friday the results…

Paradise Savings

Paradise Savings

In yesterday’s post about our fabulous trip to the island of Great Exuma, Bahamas, I mentioned that today’s post would be about how Andrew and I save for our vacations. 1.  We don’t go on vacation every year. We recognize that we need time away….from the laundry, the dishes, the craziness of life.  Often I’ll…

Welcome To Paradise

Welcome To Paradise

That’s what you hear when you start your tour of Sandals Emerald Bay on the island of Great Exuma in the Bahamas…”Welcome to Paradise.” From my post last night, it took us going around our elbows and back again to get there, but it was majestic when we arrived.  The sun was shining brightly, it was…

The Passionate Mom

I finished a book yesterday, The Passionate Mom.  And I encourage all my friends who are moms, or who are wanting to be moms, to read this book. Susan Merrill, Director of mom-parenting website iMOM, wrote this amazing book to parallel being a mom…->to Nehemiah. From the intro: {He} has a passion for the people he…

Mixed Emotions

Mixed Emotions

A couple of initial comments: 1. Thank you for your kind words from Saturday’s post regarding our sweet dog, Lily. 2. Today is Reynolds’ 2nd Birthday, and to not put a complete damper on it, this post is both about the happiness of the day and 3. An update on Lily’s condition and a fair warning, her…