Author: Michelle

Peace Out

Peace Out

Today I start my sabbatical. A sabbatical, by definition, is a period of paid leave granted to a college teacher for study or travel, traditionally every seventh year. I am not a college teacher. {And your kids are lucky for that.} While there might be some studying {might? there WILL} and some travel {an airplane…

Reynolds Plants A Tree

Reynolds Plants A Tree

I was REALLY happy to hear in the news yesterday that quality is better than quantity – especially in regards to {working} moms and their kids.  Andrew and I try extremely hard to spend really good, meaningful, quality time with our kids in the evenings and weekends {especially on the weekends!}. This past weekend, like most, was…

Glitter For Baby Girl

This Saturday I have the joy and privilege of throwing a baby shower for our dear friend, Dana.  She’s having a baby girl in about a month {eeeeeek!} and we are beyond excited for both her and her husband {they’re both in for a life changer!!}  When they first told us they were pregnant –…


Shamrocks And Leprechauns

I meant to post this last night, when it was actually St. Patrick’s day, but alas, my child(ren) had other plans for me 🙂 Like many places, Saturday was our St. Patrick’s {St. Pat’s} festival in downtown Columbia.  Well, the 5 Points area.  Andrew and I closely watched the weather Thursday and Friday, and had…