Bible Study Time :: Adoration
Last fall the women’s ministry at my church held an event on prayer. The focus of that event was learning how to pray using the ACTS method. In cas you haven’t used it, the ACTS method is: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication. I personally had never heard of it prior to this women’s event.
As I learned more about the ACTS method and started using it during my own ‘quiet time’, I found that the portion of time I spent in Adoration really blessed my soul.
What IS Adoration?
Typically during the adoration portion you’re acknowledging God for who He is – by virtue of worshipping Him. {Cue the song} He is Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness…. He is all knowing, sovereign, loving, etc. It can be a time to praise Him for all that He’s done for you: healed you, drawn you to Himself, pulled you out of the muck and mire {aka your sin}, allowed you to see others as He sees them, etc.
The Names of God
One of the resources I use during my Bible study time, as an aide in praising Him, is a print out of all the names of God. For an assortment of printable images you could utilize, click this link. The key to this time for me personally, is claiming Him as MY fill-in-the-blank while I’m praying. Example, He is Yahweh Yireh – which means The Lord Will Provide, so to personalize it, He is MY Provider. Change the emphasis, He is my PROVIDER. HE is my provider.
So when I’m praising Him for being my provider, I’m claiming that He provides everything from grace, kindness, love, time, finances and joy. He never leaves me wanting.
He IS Personal
Whichever name/attribute of the Lord you are praising Him for today or in this season, know that He wants to be that and more for you. He is not limited by our finiteness. God’s desire is that we would seek Him first and in all things.
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13

My prayer is that you see Him as the good God He is and that you would truly seek Him before everything else and praise Him for all that He is.
I’m always available for questions or recommendations!