Blog-tember Challenge: Day 12
What are you up to today?
That’s today’s Blog-tember challenge! Talking about what’s going on…
With it being Saturday, it’s crazy as usual at the Lucas house! Praise that Eliza Jane is on the mend – she’s battled a fever since the wee-hours of Wednesday morning. I’m talking 102-104 kind of heat. Her poor feet felt like they were on fire the other night 🙁
So, today…with a sort-of-healthy baby girl and with Daddy currently at work {first home game this weekend and the Inn is hopping!}, here’s what’s currently going on in our world:
Reading: HGTV and Real Simple; and getting ready to start the Ephesians She Reads Truth Study {Starts 9/21!}
Playing: With my crazy kids! Does that count? On the DVR currently is Peter Rabbit, R’s most favorite show.
Watching: Oh…I spoke too soon above! Peter Rabbit 😀
Trying: Does makeup count? I’ve discovered that at my grand age of 35, there’s still a lot I don’t know {or do} when it comes to my face/make-up. I stopped by the Clinique counter yesterday for a quick tip on something that I’m going to try out in the next few days.
Cooking: Not much…the fridge and pantry are bare. Hoping for a productive trip to Publix today!
Eating: A boiled egg. yummmm….
Drinking: Starbucks Vanilla Latte
Calling: Andrew…
Texting: Sweet friends Ann and Dana. Ann to get an update on her sweet daddy and Dana to see what they’re up to this weekend.
Pinning: Fall & Christmas Decor ideas as well as updating my “My Style” board

Tweeting: So…Nick Jr. has actually taken “Peter Rabbit” off their normal programming schedule…or at least, it never plays here so I’m telling them about how disappointed I am. #Concernedmomma
Going: To the park soon so these kiddos can get some energy out!
Loving: My family. It’s been a hard week with Eliza Jane having been sick, but it’s given me really good snuggle time with her.
Hating: All the hate. All the anger. We all need Jesus.
Discovering: Next weekend is our Plant & Flower Show at the Farmer’s Market so I’m getting excited about discovering some possible new plants and ideas for our yard.
Thinking: That there’s a lot I want to do today, but that we also need some rest time.
Feeling: I am a little down. Probably because I haven’t had much “me” time, but I’m doing ok!
Hoping {For}: An hour of quiet. Is that awful of me to say? But really, my batteries are drained and need a little recharging time.
Listening {To}: This flashlight thing that the kids have…it talks and tells you to change the color. “Turn the ring to find the yellow lion…rraawwwrrrr”. True story. That just happened. Real time, folks.
Celebrating: Life.
Smelling: A combo of apple streudel and vanilla caramel spice – wax cubes on the scentsy.
Ordering: There’s a lot I want to order, but the credit cards are on hold for a bit.
Thanking: The Lord for His goodness. For His protection on Eliza Jane this week, especially with her high fever.
Considering: Going on a really long walk…down by the river.
Starting: I’m not really sure about this one…there’s not much I want to start right now.
Finishing: The fall mantle…hopefully today! And the Daniel SRT study…today’s my last day!
That was fun! How about you? What are you up to today?