
Blog-tember Challenge: Day 5

For the LOVE of MUSIC!!!! Today’s challenge was to put your iTunes/music player on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that played. I love music.  Of every tune, beat, rhythm, melody….except that hard angry sounding stuff…  I have been known to bust-a-move with a good song, turn it up really loud and belt it…

Old McCaskill Has A Farm
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Old McCaskill Has A Farm

I really cannot tell y’all how great my morning was today.  It was spectacular!  Fantastic-o!  Amazing. I’ve shared with y’all in the past that Reynolds’ most favorite book {that has now been torn to pieces…} is ‘Big Red Barn’. He loves talking about all the animals, “The sheep and the donkeys, the geese and the…


Who Am I?

I have been thrown into a complete tailspin. I took a Myers Briggs {or is it Briggs Myers?} type test today to see if my personality has changed any.  Here’s the deal.  I am an INTROVERT.  Say it slowly with me: IN.TRO.VERT. But when I tell people that they act shocked, like I punched them…


Break The Fast

Wikipedia says that breakfast is the first meal taken after rising from a night’s sleep, most often eaten in the early morning before undertaking the day’s work. The break in the fast. Wiki also says that foods most commonly included in breakfast are carbs, fruits, veggies, eggs, meat and some kind of beverage. I don’t…