Ahhhh. The love month. The month of looooooveeeee. X.O. X.O.

How many of you are planning something special on Valentine’s Day for that significant other of yours? You have approximately 11-ish days {pending when you read this} to do something. Who just broke out into a sweat? hahaha. Don’t sweat it…all you have to do is one (or two?) of the following:
Buy a card
{Make your own! It doesn’t have to be Pinterest-worthy! All you need is a piece of paper, construction paper, craft paper, scrap booking paper – a college-ruled piece of paper if that’s all you have, plus some crayons ($1.19 at Target), markers, colored pencils, colored pens, chalk! Anything with color!!}
Buy some flowers
{Pick some from your yard…or your neighbor’s! (I didn’t tell you to cut the prize roses!!) Tie them up in a pretty piece of ribbon, twine, a shoelace!!}
Buy some chocolates
{Make something super yummy – click HERE! for ideas!}
Spend time together. After all, it’s in the spending time that you are reminded of your love for him.
Who needs the expensive dinner? {Besides the mom who is about to pull out her hair and just needs a BREAK!} And well, maybe it doesn’t need to be expensive, but rather just a dinner away, just the two of you. You can get gussied up and go to Moe’s! Or go to the fancy place and get a couple of appetizers instead of splurging on the big meal.
Some of you could care less about Valentine’s Day and see it as an excuse for people to spend yet more money for a “silly” reason. Shouldn’t we be showing those we love that we love them every day? Why do we need a “special” day to show our love?
Whichever side of the Valentine’s fence you may be on…may you truly remember that every day is a special one. And that love can be easily shown to those around you. The ones in your home, and to complete strangers.
Now, get to making those cards!!
xo, xo,