Friday Favorites :: Thanksgiving Edition
Y’all I can hardly believe that Thanksgiving is just TWO weeks away! So many people I’ve talked to in the last week have commented on how the first half of this year went by at a sloth’s pace – and seemingly got worse and worse as they days inched on, and now, we are less than two months away from saying “peace out, 2020!”
It’s really crazy. But, as the show must go on, so must the year!
This week’s, or month’s edition of Friday Favorites, I am sharing with you some of the things I love about Thanksgiving. Unlike some of you it is not my favorite holiday {don’t hate}. Christmas is my favorite holiday. However, I do enjoy a few things about Thanksgiving.
- My Momma’s Pecan Pie. There’s nothing like it; not a bakery-bought one can come even close to the deliciousness of this homemade pie. A few years ago my friend Aimee shared a homemade Amish pie crust recipe and it totally took Momma’s Pecan Pie to the ultimate level of desserts. Message me and I’ll send you both recipes!

2. The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. There’s something nostalgic about watching the parade as our kids play in the den and the kitchen is brimming with the scents of Thanksgiving fare. It takes me back to when I was a kid and my mom would be in the kitchen with her apron on, with all the burners on the stove glowing…sweet memories.
According to the world wide web, the parade IS still happening this year {thank you, Jesus}, although I’m sure it will look much different than years past. Check your local listings, but it should start at 9am.

3. All things printable for my kids {and some adults ;)}. I love having activities for the kids to color and keep them occupied so they don’t argue as much and get all in my hair! Here are a few of my favorites for this year:
Gobble Gobble
Mad Libs for Kids
Pilgrims & Native Americans
4. Thanksgiving wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without shopping, right?! I could tell you all my favorite stores, like Anthropologie, Loft, Athleta, etc. or I could be a good friend and tell you to write out your list now of all the things you want to purchase and set a budget. I know. I hate budgets too, but they are a necessary evil. When making your list of family members, friends, neighbors, etc. along with the items you want to purchase, don’t forget stocking stuffers and all those ‘little’ things that add up to big bucks! Sometimes I feel like those little stocking stuffers cost as much as the bigger gifts! And since this is a Friday Favorites post, I’ll tell you that we like using to keep track of our finances. Now go make that budget.
5. Okay now we come to family time. Some of you love this, and some of you….well, we’ll just leave it there.
If you are lucky enough to spend time with family over Thanksgiving, here are some of our favorite things to do either before of after the tryptophan kicks in…
Go for a walk. I love walking with my family members because there’s nothing else to do other than talk when you’re on a walk. And sometimes this is the only time you can get some people away from devices or other distractions to speak words! This is where you may have to put on your listening ears if you’re normally a talker…
Find a nearby park for the kids to play or don’t forget bicycles if you are travelling.
Corn hole, soccer, touch football, badminton, horseshoes, croquet, hula hoops, jump ropes, frisbee…anything that can keep you moving and laughing in your own front or back yard.
If it ends up raining where you’re going to be {check the weather a day or two before!}, snag some good movies, puzzles, board games, decks of cards and UNO! Store smaller sets in an accessible basket for easy retrieval.
6. To round off this Thanksgiving edition of Friday Favorites, how about some lock screens? I’ve had my eyes on a few of these for a while now, wanting to share them with you. I love a Fall theme and if there’s scripture with it, well even better. Enjoy these:
Natalie Hilton
FBC Columbia Women
Kaitlyn Bouchillon
Emily Ley
I hope you’ve found something fun and possibly useful in this post – I’d love to hear from you and if you want those recipes, let me know!
Until next time friend…