GREASE {thoughts from last night}

I wrote a paper in college about Joy….though I have no idea of where that paper is…or the Compaq laptop I used to write the paper, I can tell you what Miriam-Webster has to say about Joy: 1joy noun \ˈjȯi\ Popularity: Top 10% of words Simple Definition of joy : a feeling of great happiness…
Do y’all remember those commercials from several years ago {I’m dating myself}, when digital cameras first became really popular – the commercial where you saw all the people from images in your camera and :poof!: someone would disappear in order to take that picture of Aunt Janice blowing out her 60th birthday cake? Does anyone else remember…
Happy 2016 everyone!! I hope you and your family rang in the new year with loads of fun! I am thankful that we did not have a repeat of last year’s new year’s… We were not wild and crazy, as we have discovered you cannot be wild and crazy with small children in your home….
I’ve wanted to blog for a while now. The other day I was looking at a new blog I’d found and once again I had that Julie from “Julie and Julia” moment, “I have thoughts!”. But what would I, a full-time working wife and mom (am I not already overwhelmed?!) blog about? Who am I…
Last week, in the post about Grammy’s Cake, I told y’all how great our Easter weekend with my dad, brother and his family was…so here are the pictures to prove it! Our trip to Macon started off with playing with some new Dr. Seuss color and flash cards. Thanks Aunt Mimi for these – they were…
A few months ago this “lesson” came to me…and I pondered on it again last night while feeding sweet Eliza Jane. As a parent I have witnessed many occasions where my child, whether Reynolds or now Eliza Jane, has completely lost it over milk. Case in point when this lesson first came to me: Reynolds asked…