Just A Little Update On A Little Potty Training…
I am so tired today, I could barely hold my eyes open just now while sitting on the side of the tub while Reynolds tried to use the big boy potty. And by tried, I mean he DID. WOOT!
My mom friends out there who have or currently are potty training can relate to this.
And mind you, I’ve never done this before.
AND mind you, my first go-round with this potty training thing is with a BOY.
I feel like potty training boys is different than girls.
In my mind girls are less….um, graphic? Less excited about the experience? A little more dainty about the whole thing? Maybe not. Am I wishful thinking here? Clearly I have no idea.
Again, first timer over here.
But in the oh, two months that we’ve really been trying at this thing, it’s been quite hilarious. I’m not going to share with y’all the stories that I really wish I could… I would like to maintain a little modesty and decency to what goes on here at Camellias and Copper. But oh, the stories I could tell!!
I will tell y’all that today was the second day of R wearing “big boys underwear” {what we call them} at school and he had NO accidents. Well, until the ride home, but that doesn’t count!! Cheerleader moment!!! YAY!!!! Whoo hooo!!! Way to go, REYNOLDS!!!
HOORAY! I know that this is just the beginning and that there WILL be accidents, but this is so great for him, for us…for my parents who will be keeping the kids next week {YAY, Grammy & PopPop!}. We are so very proud of and excited for him.

A little shout out to my fellow daycare moms whose kids are a little ahead of R, thank you for all that you do to encourage your kids. Because you encouraging your kids and your kids encouraging each other at school has been HUGE. AND to the teachers in R’s class: We couldn’t do any of this without y’all!! You keep them focused on the task and push them to go even when they don’t want to. And yes, we know y’all have an ulterior motive too!! But keep doing it!
Ok, so now I’m off to make about 6 lists of things that have to be done in the next 6 days…because adventure awaits….
Wooooo! I feel the same way about this as you. It’s a little weird potty training a boy. We just did this last month, so I know exactly what you’re thinking! lol Certainly the girls will be daintier?