So Long…July
All the things I want to tell y’all about from this past month…it’s all rolled up into this one {potentially long} blog post!
Reading: Y’all know I’m not a reader. Well, prepare to be shocked because I currently have THREE books on my night-stand!!! I know you all just fell on the floor. Pick yourself back up and keep reading. Book #1: God is Able by Priscilla Shirer; Book #2: The Magnolia Story; Book #3: The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace. I am really hoping to get myself in gear so I can tell you more about each of these three as I finish them.
Playing: From looking back at all the photos I took this month it looks like we played at the lake, the pool, gymnastics, HiWire and various other places, including our new {remodeled!} library!

Watching: Y’all know I don’t really watch t.v. I just can’t understand how everyone has so much more time than I do either… HOWEVER, I have been watching two hilarious shows, if I can catch them when they come on: Modern Housewife {I LOVE and adore Katie Mixon} and Speechless {Minnie Driver’s character is a kick @$$ mom and a little cooky…}
Trying: To read every night? 🙂
Cooking: This has gone to the back burner {haha}, especially for supper. We’re in a season where I am just a wee bit tired of killing myself to get a hot, fresh, homemade meal on the table. Maybe next month I’ll have a better report!
Eating: EMORY! Y’all – the sweet baby is gobbling up anything we put on his little tray! He loves just about anything and his little pincher-fingers are doing so great feeding himself. We are so proud and so excited for him {and us probably, if I’m honest..}

Drinking: Oh, I’ve joined the La Croix wagon….and it’s just lovely. What’s your favorite flavor??
Texting: There’s been a lot of texting over this month…from getting updates on a friend who is trying to finalize an adoption, to family group texts and all the daily in-betweens of ‘what’s for supper’ or ‘did you call your mom about next Tuesday?’ to Andrew – this is our primary form of communication.
Pinning: I just want to pin stuff all day long. But this has really gone into the category of ‘one day I’ll have time again for this, but not in the near future’ so I purposely pinned a few things for y’all so I would have an answer to this one. HA! This month was mostly food and closet organization {I wrote a post about our closet!} Check out any/all of my pins here.
Tweeting: Speaking of Modern Housewife, I tweeted a quote from the show the other night “Rich people are just normal people with boats” – it made me laugh out loud. I’m neither rich, nor do I have a boat so it was appropriate.
Going: Just get me on a plane to somewhere. Anywhere!
Loving: My husband. He’s just a good, good man.
Hating: The feeling of being inadequate. Y’all don’t get crazy on me and try to read all kinds of mess in that. I’m not trying to imply anything. All I’m saying is that there are occasions that I feel inadequate and I hate the way it makes me feel. Then I remember I have all things in Jesus. So there.
Discovering: Emory is discovering so much these days. I already told y’all about him eating, and it’s so fun to watch him discover more and more how to feed himself, and eat {he has no teeth}. He’s also pulling up on everything and I fear he will be walking so very soon…so he got his first pair of shoes this weekend!
Thinking: Y’all know thinking can get you into trouble so I’ll leave this one alone for now.
Feeling: This month has been chock-full of feelings from sadness, frustration, fear, anxiety, joy, gladness, exhaustion… From reading God is Able, I wrote down a list of things of what/how He’s able – combating all the negative emotions. It was a very good thing for me to do…you may want to try it too! Just grab a pen and paper and write ‘God is able…’ then list it out.
Hoping: a few specific things: 1. for my cousin to be completely healed of a medical issue he’s dealing with; 2. for our friends to get their adoption finalized sooner than currently expected {Lord, please show off!}; and 3. that Andrew doesn’t buy another house {hahahah…sigh}
Listening: So y’all know I have been running and I just can’t do music anymore. I know that sounds totally bizarre, but I was just getting so bored I had to switch to something that would engage me more than just a few minutes. I’ve turned to youtube. Now when I’m running I am either watching a show {like Seinfeld} or listening to a bible study {I know…the two are so VASTLY different}. This morning while I ran, I listened to Beth Moore’s talk from Passion 2017 – He is worth it. That was probably the easiest and by far blessed run I’ve had yet.
Celebrating: Eliza Jane turns three at the end of the month. Three, y’all. What on the planet earth. We are certainly going to be celebrating her!
Smelling: The magnolias were blooming earlier this month and they were sweet and warm and full of beautiful fragrance.
Ordering: I ordered three bathing suits this month. And I returned them all. Turns out I’m a mom with three kids…and I’m not 22 anymore.
Thanking: We did an exercise in a meeting at work recently, where we had to think of specific people who have impacted our lives. As I wrote down the names, the question asked of us was whether or not those people knew how they had influenced me… Sadly, two are no longer living, but the other three I hope to be able to put pen to paper and convey the thoughts that I’ve been toying with for some time now.
Considering: Do you ever feel like you’re considering so many things that you just can’t consider anything? There are so many things. Things that I believe at times I’m inadequate for/to accomplish and things I’m just afraid of even how to start. But nonetheless I’m still considering.
Starting: There are too many things already in process to think of starting something else.
Finishing: This post! On July 31st! I’m so proud of myself right now, I could squeal with delight!
I think this is a good representation of how we all feel at the end of this wonderful month!
Here’s to August…the eclipse and return of school! “I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I had your name and address…” – Joe Fox {You’ve Got Mail – the best movie ever}
So long, July!
much love,