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  1. I think everyone in my house has a “clerty” pile. Work shirts, jeans, pajamas, sweat pants…. the usual suspects.

    My teenagers seem to keep their piles under the edge of their bed with their slippers. That kind of makes sense since their piles are mostly lounge pants and extra layering items.

    My husband definitely has the biggest clerty pile… I think he puts everything in his clerty pile as if his clothing is allergic to the laundry hamper. About a month or so ago I noticed his pile of “might wear it again” was getting kind of big and I started keeping an empty small laundry basket on his side of the bed. (You know, the cheap dollar store ones that are too small to hold an actual load of laundry LOL) I didn’t say anything to him about it, I just kind of put it there. It has now become the home for his pile of “clerty” things 😉

  2. Omg!!! I can totally relate- Brian definitely has a “clerty” pile I am like way overly OCD so you can only imagine how much it drives me nuts. He keeps his in our bathroom on the tub ledge. Totally ruins the serene ambiance when I take my daily bath….oh please, totally kidding! No daily baths going on here. Anywho, great post! Xoxo

    1. Rikki! I am fascinated by the pile on the tub ledge… what an interesting location! And like you, I have a daily bath as well, with my glass of wine and bonbons… in my dreams!

  3. This makes me laugh.. we both have a clerty pile. I usually leave mine sitting long enough until I feel they are clean again, then hang them up. I typically throw his in the laundry basket… because of course his are dirtier than mine?? There’s no rhyme or reason to the pile. It lays, sometimes folded, sometimes not, on the dresser. Although the pile is ever changing, I usually rid our dresser of all piles every couple weeks when my eyes can’t take the clutter anymore 🙂
    PS- I’m with you- hooks do not sound like a good solution. Why would you want a lump of clothes on your wall as opposed to a neatly folded pile on your dresser?

    1. Danielle – this made me LOL! Yes, “their” clothes are ALWAYS dirtier than ours!! 😀 Andrew’s ALWAYS go in the laundry as soon as I see them.
      And yes, a neat pile is always prettier than a junked-up hook.

  4. I definitely have a clerty pile going at all times. It’s usually 2 or 3 pairs of jeans, and an assortment of sweaters. I guess it helps me keep track of how many more times I can wear something before it needs a wash…? Ah, who am I kidding, I’m just too lazy to put it all away. 😉

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