The Last…Oh, Six Weeks Or So…
Gone are the days when I could sit down at night and share all the fun and wild things happening in our lives! I have thoughts most days about a blog post and all the wonderful things I want to share with you, but the time is rare that I can sit down at the computer and get out all the things I want to say.
Life has been super busy, as I’m sure it has been for you as well. The holiday season often brings an additional element of events and commitments {of which I am most happy to oblige!}.
The last several weeks have been really fun for us :: We celebrated Emory’s first birthday, our 7th anniversary, Thanksgiving and now we’re full swing into Christmas!
I thought I would share some pictures from the beginning of November up until this past weekend when Dana and I took our girls to a Nutcracker Tea and then the ballet – which was so magical for all of us!
First off…Our Daycare Church celebrated Luther-Fest and had some great entertainment for the kiddos.Institches Designs blew me away once again with some adorable shirts for Emory’s first birthday!
We spent a fun morning out at EdVenture shopping in the Publix and then playing golf in space and finally by flying an airplane!
Thanksgiving Feast at Daycare for these Turkeys!
The love is strong between these two.
Packing their Samaritan’s Purse shoeboxes.
He’s finally getting to where he LOVES to sit in his PB anywhere chair!
Andrew and I had a fun night out at the Festival of Trees annual fundraiser for the Children’s Hospital.
And then my little buddy turned one and loved his cake from Rosie Girl Bakery!
We even got the same pictures that we got with both Reynolds and Eliza Jane on their first birthdays {more pictures from AnnieLaura Photography to come!}.
Eliza Jane wanted to try her hand at creating a ‘smoky eye’ with my purple eye shadow one morning….
Reynolds got to be one of the Wise Men in a church Christmas play.
Thanksgiving in Macon – and I got to see my two favorite Georgia guys!
Eliza Jane and I {and Emory – not pictured} got to go to Woodley’s Garden center one Saturday afternoon, where she helped me pick out some beautiful Poinsettias to celebrate the season.
Celebrating 50(!!!) years of Christmas parties with Mrs. Black – who is a spry 95 year old!
Emory got some tubes last Monday to help with those pesky ear infections! My fingers are crossed!! Favorite sibling photo of all time so far…
These two boys are so handsome!!
We opened some fun Christmas gifts from our friends Caroline, Wes and Pace – who sent us the Lucas Family’s 12 Days of Christmas and we love it!
Eliza Jane got her first Shirley Temple from our favorite server, Luis!
Eliza Jane and Brynn’s Christmas gifts from the moms was an afternoon of the Nutcracker.
Making silly faces before the curtain lifted…
A fun photo with Santa himself…and he was a pretty Santa for sure!
I love looking back to see all the things we’ve done over the past several weeks. I hope this season is wonderful and magical for you and your family.