The Point of Squirrels
What is the point of squirrels?
Y’all. I can’t even with this post…it’s one of the most ridiculous ones I’ve ever written…but laugh with me a little, will you?
This morning, as I was just waiting for the clock to tick down for me to leave the house for an appointment, I went out to our back deck and just stood against the railing looking into the back yard. I felt the sun on my head and shoulders, there was a slight breeze and the birds were chirping so beautifully. I was enjoying everything about being outside.
And then Bleu started barking. This dog. He is manic about squirrels. He chases them. He all but climbs vertically up trees to get to them. He constantly ‘screams’ at them via his bark. It’s insane. He was hopping all around the back yard, tail wagging wildly, chasing the squirrels with his eyes as they jumped from tree to tree. They were laughing at him, no doubt. It was a sight to behold. And I thought, he does this EVERY day.

As Bleu stood towering over the brick fence screaming at a squirrel, I yelled out his name and told him to “Hush!” He didn’t. His tail kept wagging and he kept barking.
I wondered as I stood there, why did God create squirrels to begin with? I have no idea. They eat my peaches in the summer time, they chew through the power lines at one of our rental houses {legit almost caught the house on fire}, and make messes with acorns and pine cones all over the deck. And yet, they must be good for something right? I have no idea. But they provide Bleu with tons of daily entertainment and exercise.
Just for your amusement, I googled “the point of squirrels” and so I’ll provide you with some ‘fun facts’ now:
1. Did you know their front teeth never stop growing?! Can you imagine?
2. They were once rare in U.S. cities. If only…
3. They play a large role in the food web….. I’ll just leave that there.
4. They are very organized, and yet, forgetful. Anyone out there relate to that?
5. President Warren G. Harding had a pet squirrel named Pete.
And on that note…I’m done.
Until next time…