Friday Favorites
Once a month I’m going to do a Friday Favorites post of my favorite things. Today’s is the first of many Friday Favorites and I’m so excited to share with you some of my current favorites!
First off is EverBe Cosmetics. I was introduced to EverBe through the IF: Lead conference I did this summer – I got a sample of their pencil eyeliner and it is amazing, I just ordered a new one for when this one runs out! I have also fallen in love with their lip butter – side note, the Lip Butter Package {3 lip butters shown below} is currently on sale!
Their message: EverBe is a reminder that whatever we face in this life, good or bad, we will EverBe His – never alone and never separated from the Creator.

Next is dvtd. If you were a Premier Jewelry fan, they have upped the ante and rolled into a one-stop-shop, with 25 brands currently on their platform. With dvtd, you’re bound to find something! AND they just launched their holiday season of giving! Check out their products here and let me know which brand/product is your favorite!

If you know me at all, you know I’m a planner. I love to know what’s coming next, when, what’s needed, etc. So this next favorite is from Cultivate What Matters. For years I’ve lived my life by a planner – anyone else? Since moving more into the digital age, I use my Google calendar to keep track of my day-to-day appointments, but the idea of having a tangible option really captures me. So when I discovered this Goal Planner, again from the IF: Lead conference I did this summer, I was hooked. Beautifully created for a stay-at-home mom to the woman slaying Wall Street and everything in between! Figure out your goals for the year with help, own them and then take the steps to make things happen. It’s so fulfilling and the 2021 planners were just released this week!

Next on my list is ColorStreet. My sister-in-love introduced me to CS just a few months ago and I have to confess that my collection {it’s not an obsession, it’s a collection} has grown…slightly out of control. Ha.
I love to have my nails done and when COVID shut the world down, ColorStreet became the saving grace for so many women that enjoyed having her nails done. If you’ve never tried it, my sister-in-law will send you a sample – just message me. Or, if you want to jump all in, go for it! You’ll love it. Oh, and it’s great for little fingers too. My daughter has her own ColorStreet collection 🙂

Last but certainly not least in this Friday Favorites post is Matilda Jane. Y’all, I swoon when the new dresses are released! And this month is pajama month! I want them all, but limited myself to just the mommy/daughter set. Yes, they have that!
Eliza Jane, from a very early age, has loved the dresses because doesn’t every little girl {and big girl!} love to twirl!? I know when I put on a flowy dress, I twirl too! So if you’re looking for something pretty for yourself, your teen, tween, girl or baby, Matilda Jane’s got you covered….literally.

I am excited to start this monthly series for you…and not every month will be shopping links. I chose to share shopping links in this first post because I’m so excited about the products and many of them are on sale right now! Happy shopping!
until next time…